DMG Canvas Release Notes

Version 4.0.5
May 30, 2023 - Build 400020


Improved build log formatting for errors during notarization.

Version 4.0.4
May 24, 2023 - Build 400019


Fixes the Build & Pause menu item in the toolbar actually doing a Build & Finalize.

Provides a more helpful error message if DMG Canvas encounters a permissions issue when copying files into the disk image. Full Disk Access permissions may be required.

Version 4.0.3
February 20, 2023 - Build 400018


Fixes an issue where the build could sometimes appear to be frozen waiting on notarization.

Fixes some rare edge case incompatibilities with v3 documents.

Solves a background text alignment issue (swapping and center- and right-aligned) depending on the computer's CPU architecture. A subtle change on Apple's part caused this. You may need to check your documents now have the correct setting selected, but going forward there will be no issue.

When using an image with greater than 144 DPI, DMG Canvas now scales that down to 144 as is appropriate for interface usage, and so that the 0.5/1/2x settings are still logical.

Version 4.0.2
January 29, 2023 - Build 400014


  • A dmgcanvas document now has better portability between machines when using notarization.
  • Adds warnings when opening a document where an image file or license agreement RTF file is missing. When building with the command line, warnings are treated as errors.
  • Addresses a crash caused by a bug in macOS 11.

Version 4.0.1
January 25, 2023 - Build 400011


Contains a few fixes for minor interface issues and stability.

Version 4.0
January 24, 2023 - Build 400007

New! Xcode Integration

Generate an Xcode Post-Archive build script to automatically build your disk image.

New! All-New Interface

  • An all-new interface that is much more modern and usable.
  • An all-new Build Log view, showing the most recent build.
  • View all DMG file contents in the sidebar.
  • All-new Disk Image view with Summary for an overview of options and macOS version compatibility.

New! Design View Improvements

  • View all background layout objects (text and images) in the sidebar.
  • Files hidden from Finder are hidden in the design view and shown in the sidebar.
  • Improved handling of images for Retina-ready design.
  • Updated design view metrics for accurate display of appearance in macOS 13.

New! Building

  • Uses the new Apple service for notarization. Note that the Notarization process in DMG Canvas 3 is being deprecated by Apple and will cease to work in late 2023.
  • An all-new Build Log view, showing the most recent build.
  • A more detailed build log with more error information if encountered.
  • New options to select dmg compression formats (LZFSE, LZMA, bzip2, etc)
  • Defaults to APFS and LZFSE, for modern disk image distribution with fast decompression and mounting.

New! Misc

  • Supports building disk images with Shortcuts.
  • Uses a new human-readable document format which is better suited to being included in version control systems.