Version 2.1.1, 2.1.2 - (Build 1163, 1165)


- Stability improvements.

- Work around of an OS bug in 10.6.

Version 2.1 - (Build 1161)


- Exporting to non-QuickTime .mov formats is now much faster and higher quality.

- Exported movies are now letterboxed as needed, so creating HD aspect exports of SD aspect movies works properly.

- Now uses an "Export Queue." At most two movies at a time will export, preventing excessive memory usage, improving stability, and improving export performance when stacking up many movies to export at the same time.

- Keyboard event visualization is much nicer looking, particularly for the one-at-a-time mode.

- Changing Mouse, Keyboard, and Emblem options now affects the movie preview live.

- Supports recording from HiDPI (Retina) displays.

- Added a new Keyboard "Display Mode" option to make it easier to turn off.

- Added a button to helpfully reset the Movies folder location to the default.


- Significant memory savings during recordings which on slower machines with little free memory can have a big effect on performance.

- Dramatic CPU savings when recording smaller-than-fullscreen areas of the screen in 10.7 (i.e. 3x less or more)

- Some reduced CPU usage and improved performance during recording overall.

- Improved audio recording which should prevent dropped audio for the few users which experience it in some circumstances.

- Small CPU savings in movie preview playback.

- Small visual tweaks to the movie info in the Movies view.

- Added a short tooltip to explain Show Mouse Cursor is disabled on 10.7 recordings.

- Added retina icons pretty much everywhere.


- More accurate prevention of "runaway recordings." On slow machines with little memory, the virtual memory paging would dramatically slow down hard drive write speed which lead to runaway memory usage and eventual crash. 2.0 was designed to prevent this, but the test was inaccurate. This problem should no longer ever occur.

- Fixed a rare crash in audio exporting when a certain error occurred.

- Fixed a bug where you could try to export a movie already being exported, or delete a movie while it was being exported. The former crashed when showing the error message, the latter just would explode.

- Fixed many little interface hiccups in the Movies export view such as drawing the progress bar incorrectly, or the movie list row height not changing appropriately.

- When exporting to a custom format, when opening the options dialog for components, the current export video size is properly displayed in the fields. For example with MPEG4 it wasn't always right.

- Fixed a crash (only one occurrence of it so far) when flattening a movie failed.

- Fix for an exception when there is no keyboard shortcut for Activate/Stop Recording.

- Fixed the Preferences tab view opening to the wrong tab initially.

- Tweaked the countdown fade timing and fixed an arm rotation bug.

- Fixed a few silly typos.

- Plugged a few minor memory leaks.

2.0.3 Release Notes